Daryl Moorhouse is a media producer and trainer and represents the Independent sector on the MLI Steering Group.
Daryl Moorhouse has extensive experience across all areas of media production- concept creation, copywriting, photography, videography, recording, production, sound design and post production. As a media production lecturer with over 20 years experience Daryl has created training courses for TU, DCU, IAPI, AIRPI, The Digital Hub and others.
Daryl is a passionate advocate for media literacy and his audio, video and media production courses have been completed by more than 25,000 secondary school students all over Ireland.
Daryl is MD of Tinpot Productions, who create content, tools and skills to help businesses, consumers and students express themselves in new and exciting ways. His approach prioritises innovation, interactivity and engagement to help people and businesses find and release their own unique expressive potential.