The European Media and Information Fund is established by the European University Institute and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and provides grants to researchers, fact-checkers, not-for-profits and other public interest-oriented organisations working on disinformation research and strengthening media literacy and fact-checking.
The EMIF is a multi-donor fund. Google made an inaugural contribution of 25 million euros over 5 years. Google is not involved in decision making and does not profit from intellectual property of any ideas or projects that are financed through the Fund.
There are currently four open funding calls related to media literacy including:
- Boosting Fact-Checking Activities in Europe (First round allocation €435 000)
- Interdisciplinary Investigations on Disinformation in Europe (Call allocation €1.6m)
- Supporting Research into Media, Disinformation and Information Literacy Across Europe (Call allocation €1.6m)
- Media and Information Literacy for Citizens Empowerment (Call allocation €1.6m)
29 April is the deadline for applications for the calls for Media and Information Literacy, Research into Media, Disinformation and Information Literacy and Multidisciplinary Investigations on Disinformation.
2 March is the deadline for applications for Boosting Fact-Checking activities in Europe.