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Category: News

MLI ‘Media Literacy Monday’ Webinars

As a result of Covid-19 restrictions, Media Literacy Ireland will not be hosting their annual MLI conference this year. Instead, we will host a series of five ‘Media Literacy Monday’ webinars. With an overarching theme of ‘the Power of Collaboration’, this series of webinars will also explore how MLI member can continue to work collaboratively

October is European Cyber Security Month

October is European Cyber Security Month (ECSM). ECSM is coordinated by the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) and takes place each year during the month of October. The campaign is supported across Europe by Member States who organise numerous activities including conferences, workshops and webinars. They also disseminate appropriate awareness-raising material and good practices

New campaign from Webwise encourages teens to see The Full Picture

Webwise, the Irish internet safety awareness center have launched their annual campaign, this year the campaign takes a look at how teens use social media. The Full Picture is a short film exploring how young people use social media to connect and share. Aims at young people and parents, the film highlights the influences and pressures

The Public Conversation – Twitter’s role in our information environment

Author: Kennedy O’Brien Kennedy works as part of Twitter’s Public Policy team in Dublin. He manages Twitter’s partnership with UNESCO, driving the development and launch of the ‘Twitter for Teaching and Learning’ guide last year. Kennedy also developed the ‘Campaigning on Twitter’ handbook for civil society, public service, and politics. When the first Tweet was sent

We Expect Ethical Artificial Intelligence – Who will deliver it?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is present in many of our media devices and services – from smart televisions to smart speakers, from our search engines to our mobile games. It is also central to how media content is created, how online communication is governed and how information spreads. Research organisations and companies in Ireland and the

Mental Health Media Awards 2020

Headline is pleased to announce the Mental Health Media Awards 2020! Submissions for this year’s awards open on Tuesday September 1 and remain open for the month of September. Please visit our new awards page for more info on key dates, this year’s categories and rules, including how to submit. In the meantime, here’s a recap of MHMA 2019

MLI Training & Development Group News Update

CHOOSING THE RIGHT ONLINE MEDIA LITERACY COURSE Media literacy education is key to the fight against misinformation and is an essential component of good information communication. It assists in developing critical thinking skills and teaches us how to evaluate media messages, letting us decide for ourselves the truth, falsity, and/or bias of media communications in

DCU Survey Seeks Feedback on Media Literacy Tool

By Dr. Eileen Culloty Dr Eileen Culloty is a postdoctoral researcher at the DCU FuJo Institute where she works on countering disinformation as part of the EU Provenance project. False and misleading information is a major threat to social and political stability. It is implicated in the resurgence of vaccine-preventable diseases, efforts to undermine the political process, and