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Category: News

Of Health and Hope: Evidence, Identity and Memory in Pandemic Times – Laura Millar

Laura Millar is a Canadian archival consultant, author and editor. She is the author of A Matter of Facts: The Value of Evidence in an Information Age, published in 2019 by ALA Neal Schuman. In 1922, not long after the Spanish flu ceased its deadly rampage, the British economist and Director of the Bank of England Sir

Keeping People Safe, Informed and Combating Misinformation: Facebook’s Role in the COVID-19 Pandemic

For several weeks now, the world has rightly been consumed with talk of COVID-19. For Facebook, it has been no different. Globally, our entire company is focused on doing our bit to tackle the coronavirus outbreak. We are approaching this in four ways. For several weeks now, the world has rightly been consumed with talk

Be Media Smart about COVID-19

COVID-19 dominates a large part of our lives at the moment and we know that we all have a part to play in fighting the virus. In addition to the HSE recommendations (washing hands, physical distancing and respiratory etiquette), MLI members can also help to fight the virus of misinformation circulating in relation to COVID19.

Battling the misinformation virus

This article is an edited reproduction of a Twitter thread from @marklittlenews, posted on Sunday 22 March 2020. Mark Little is a Journalist and entrepreneur. He is CEO and co-founder of Kinzen and Founder of Storyful. By now, we each know our role in fighting the Coronavirus. We have some sense of personal agency. But many smart people

Stop / Think / Check

“We need a vaccine against misinformation” Dr. Mike Ryan, head of WHO’s health emergencies program. The coronavirus outbreak has sparked what the World Health Organization is calling an “infodemic”. The Be Media Smart campaign was developed by members of Media Literacy Ireland to help people tell the difference between reliable and accurate information and deliberately false or misleading

25th Comenius-EduMedia-Award 2020 German and European Educational Media Award Call for Submissions

The Society for Pedagogic, lnformation and Media (Gesellschaft für Pädagogik, Information und Medien e.V.; GPI) in 2020 for the 25th time awards the Comenius-EduMedia-Awards for digital educational media. We invite you to participate in the 2020 Comenius-EduMedia-Award anniversary-contest. Please find all information at Please submit your contributions for the Comenius-EduMedia-contest via the Comenius-online-registration form (www.

Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group calling for participation in their open session at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Dublin

In this session, “Deepfakes: Manipulating realities, misinformation, detection, legal and ethical matters, and professional responsibility,” we will explore the technology behind deep fakes and other digital forms of fake news. Invited speakers will discuss these topics, their ethical and legal implications, and how these technologies can be detected and uncovered. The theme for this call

Get involved in Safer Internet Day 2020

1. Register for Safer Internet Day 2020 Let us know what you are planning to do to mark Safer Internet Day 2020, and we will send you online safety packs, including free wristbands for all of your participants. All schools, organisations, clubs, and community groups who are registered for #SID2020 will feature on the Webwise