About EMIF: The European Media and Information Fund is established by the European University Institute and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and provides grants, on a competitive basis, to researchers, fact-checkers, not-for-profits and other public interest-oriented organisations working on disinformation research and strengthening media literacy and fact-checking.
About the Fund: The EMIF is a multi-donor fund and welcomes contributions from donors believing in its mission and subscribing to the principles of scientific autonomy and freedom. Google made an inaugural contribution of 25 million euros over 5 years. Google is not involved in decision making and does not profit from intellectual property of any ideas or projects that are financed through the Fund.
All grants provided by this Fund will be awarded through a competitive process, ensuring transparency and equal opportunities and access for all. The European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) will act in a scientific advisory role to the European Media and Information Fund.
About the Call: The first open call by EMIF was launched in November 2021 and aims to support projects from independent fact-checking organisations which play a key role in limiting the negative effects of disinformation on the public discourse and democratic processes. Only individual entities or organisations in a consortium located in the EU, EFTA and UK are eligible.
This call is permanently open until June 2025 and its total indicative allocation is €4 350 000.
Applications may be submitted at any time and three funding rounds occur every year, in February, June and October. The first cut-off date will be on 28 February 2022.