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2024 MLI Awards open for entries

Have you been involved in a media literacy initiative in the last year? Here’s your chance to shout about it. The call for entries for the 2024 MLI Awards is open!

Supported by Coimisiún na Meán, the aim of the MLI Awards programme is to recognise the work that is being undertaken to help citizens, especially within communities, develop the media literacy skills that will empower them to make the best use of media.

Organisations big and small are invited to enter – from schools, libraries, community groups, to online platforms, broadcasters, commentators and influencers… and everything in between. Entries from across the island of Ireland are welcome – covering projects, resources, training, research or campaigns.

There are five categories to enter:

Information about the judging process, how to enter and the T&Cs are all available on the MLI website and you can also read about the winners from 2023 too. As well entering for the MLI Awards, we would also like all MLI members to help us promote the MLI Awards by using the MLI Awards banners and badges in Irish and English across social media.

Closing date for entries is 20 September.