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EMIF grants €4.2 million to new projects

Fifteen new projects have been approved as a result of the 2024 EMIF Call for Proposals with a total value of €4.2 million.

The European Media and Information Fund (EMIF) is established by the European University Institute and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and provides grants to researchers, fact-checkers, not-for-profits and other public interest-oriented organisations working on disinformation research and strengthening media literacy and fact-checking.

The EMIF is a multi-donor fund. Google made an inaugural contribution of 25 million euros over 5 years. Google is not involved in decision making and does not profit from intellectual property of any ideas or projects that are financed through the Fund.

The successful projects of 2024 will work across 3 EMIF priority areas: investigations into disinformation, research, and media and information literacy.

Grantees under the Media and Information Literacy for Societal Resilience Call:
imec 🇧🇪
More in Common 🇬🇧
ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa 🇵🇹
dpa Deutsche Presse-Agentur GmbH 🇩🇪

Grantees under the Investigation into Disinformation Dynamics Call:
CEIAS: Central European Institute of Asian Studies 🇸🇰
Logically Ltd 🇬🇧
International Press Institute (IPI) 🇦🇹
The Voices Project 🇬🇧
International Centre for Counter-Terrorism
Royal United Services Institute 🇬🇧
Voxeurop 🇫🇷
Grantees under the Research for a Transparent and Resilient Information Ecosystem call:
Wikimedia Europe 🇧🇪
Newcastle University 🇬🇧
Turun yliopisto – University of Turku 🇫🇮
Science Feedback 🇫🇷

Read more about the grantees and their projects: