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Category: News

Council of Europe calls on states to support quality journalism: new guidelines

The Council of Europe has adopted a Recommendation calling on its 46 member States to create a favourable environment for quality journalism to thrive and to play its essential role in democracy. The recommendation contains a set of legal, administrative and practical guidelines aimed at ensuring sustainable funding for quality media, building trust in journalism, and promoting

In Case You Missed It: Lunch and Learn about media literacy funding

On the 14th March, MLI hosted the first ‘Lunch and Learn’ online event. Now that a return to the office is starting to take place the MLI team were conscious that people’s availability for the Media Literacy Monday webinars might be be different. In response, we are going to change the frequency of the Media

Job opportunity: Postdoctoral researcher in media literacy

The DCU Institute of Future Media, Democracy and Society (FuJo) is a multidisciplinary research centre focused on the digital transformation of media, democracy, and society. FuJo investigates how to counter digital threats; enhance public participation through democratic innovations; and secure the sustainability of high-quality journalism and media. FuJo is seeking a postdoctoral researcher to work

Harnessing Digital – The Digital Ireland Framework

On 1 February the government launched a new national digital strategy, Harnessing Digital – The Digital Ireland Framework, to drive and enable the digital transition across the Irish economy and society. The Digital Ireland Framework sets out a high level pathway to support Ireland’s ambition to be a digital leader at the heart of European

Funding for Media Literacy projects available from The European Media and Information Fund

The European Media and Information Fund is established by the European University Institute and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and provides grants to researchers, fact-checkers, not-for-profits and other public interest-oriented organisations working on disinformation research and strengthening media literacy and fact-checking. The EMIF is a multi-donor fund. Google made an inaugural contribution of 25 million euros over 5 years. Google

EDMO and Media Literacy

The European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO) brings together fact-checkers, media literacy experts, and academic researchers to understand and analyse disinformation, in collaboration with media organisations, online platforms and media literacy practitioners. There are eight national or multinational hubs, including one in Ireland. Each hub will provide specific knowledge at a national level to help counter

Phase Two of the YouVerify MOOC is now open!

Following the success of phase 1 of this free Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) where more than 1700 registered for phase 1 of the course, phase 2 was launched on February 14, 2022. New features include: – 2 training paths. Path 1 focusses on understanding visual disinformation and exploring its challenges. Path 2 focusses on

MLI participates in Joint Oireachtas Committee meeting on disinformation and media literacy

The Joint Committee on Tourism, Culture, Arts, Sport and Media met on Wednesday, 2 February, to discuss online disinformation and media literacy. There were two Oireachtas sessions. The first featured Professor Mary Aiken, Professor of Forensic Cyberpsychology, University of East London. Her opening statement can be found here. The second session featured MLI Co-Chair Prof. Brian