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Category: News

New report recommends development of robust procedures for reporting and monitoring online disinformation

More robust procedures for reporting and monitoring online disinformation need to be developed for the EU Code of Practice on Disinformation to become a more effective tool in fighting disinformation. That’s according to CovidCheck, a new research report assessing the implementation of the EU Code of Practice on Disinformation to in relation to COVID-19. The report

New 10 year Adult Literacy for Life strategy published

Literacy involves listening and speaking, reading, writing, numeracy and using everyday technology to communicate, access services, and makeinformed choices. Earlier this year, the Department of Further and Higher Education Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS) tasked SOLAS with the development of a 10 year adult literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy strategy. With almost 1 in 5

European Cyber Security Month

European Cyber Security Month is supported across Europe by Member States who organise numerous activities including conferences, workshops and webinars. They also disseminate appropriate awareness-raising material and good practices to promote cybersecurity. This year the ECSM themes will focus on Being cyber-secure at home and Cyber First Aid if one falls victim of a cyber-attack.

New free e-learning resource for youth workers

The Child Protection Programme of the National Youth Council of Ireland has developed a new free online course to support the youth work sector to help keep young people safe online. This e-learning introduces youth workers and volunteers to key topics in online safety, and addresses the challenges that young people may face online. It

Twitter for non-profit organisations: best practices workshop

By Matthew Ross The May edition of the Media Literacy Monday webinar took the format of a masterclass featuring Kennedy O’Brien Senior Public Policy Associate at Twitter. Martina Chapman, the National Coordinator of Media Literacy Ireland opened the webinar and provided an overview of the MLI’s mission and the background of the Be Media Smart campaign. After

New JournalismAI initiative announced

The JournalismAIinitiative at the London School of Economics has just announced a new programme for ‘small, local, and digital-native newsrooms’—the AI Academy for Small Newsrooms. Created in collaboration with Google News Initiative, the programme is a 6-week free course for small newsrooms (defined as organisations with fewer than 50 employees) on how to introduce AI into their journalism.

In Case You Missed It: The Truth Matters Podcast Series

By Matthew Ross Della Kilroy, Multimedia Journalist at RTÉ and Shane Creevy, Head of Editorial at Kinzen, have created a four-part podcast series ‘exploring how misinformation spreads in an era of mass communication’. Across these four episodes, the pair discuss the crucial distinctions that exist between different forms of misinformation, talking to people who have fallen

Media Literacy Monday: Media Literacy and the representation of women in media

July’s edition of MLI’s Media Literacy Monday webinar series explored the representation of women in media and media literacy’s role in promoting the fair representation of women in media, both as consumers and producers. Stephanie Comey, co-chair of MLI’s Steering Group, opened the webinar followed by Dr Eileen Culloty, assistant professor at the DCU School of