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Category: News

UK Online Media Literacy Strategy is published

On 14th July, the UK Department of Digital, Culture, Media, and Sport (DCMS) published the Online Media Literacy Strategy. The 104 page document sets an overall objective of supporting ‘organisations to undertake media literacy activity in a more coordinated, wide-reaching, and high quality way over the next 3 years.’The Strategy proposes four approaches to achieving

In Case You Missed It: Communicating Covid-19

By Dr. Eileen Culloty Eight months on from the MLI Horizon webinar on Making Sense of Science in Media: Communication and Health, the Celsius Research Group at DCU organised a webinar on Communicating Covid-19. Introduced by Barbara Gormley (DCU) and chaired by Philip Boucher Hayes (RTÉ), the webinar heard from an international panel of leading scientists

Creative Europe: Call for Journalism Partnerships is open

News Media is a priority under the new Creative Europe Programme 2021-2027. The JOURNALISM PARTNERSHIPS call has just been launched and the deadline is August 26th 2021. AIMS The aim of this call is to encourage systemic cooperation between professional news media organisations to improve the viability and competitiveness of professionally produced journalism. It aims to support the testing of

Reuters Digital News Report (Ireland) Published

By Matthew Ross Some major takeaways from the annual Digital News Report include that 70% of Irish survey respondents report being interested in the news (beating the UK, North America, and the EU average), that trust in the news in Ireland has risen 5 points in the past year to 53% (also higher than in

Call for experts in news media & cross-border journalism

The European Commission is looking for all kinds of experts, from academics to practitioners, from experts in the news media business to journalists, and from all corners of Europe. In 2021, a panel of experts on news media will evaluate applications for a call for proposals on Journalism Partnerships, foreseen in June 2021. The panel

New research from Making Sense of Media programme

By Dr. Alison Preston, Co-Director, Making Sense of Media Ofcom has a statutory duty to promote media literacy, and the UK Government intends to further strengthen Ofcom’s role in this area with the passage of the Online Safety Bill. Making Sense of Media is Ofcom’s programme of work to help improve the online media literacy

Call for Solutions: Tech against Disinformation

This is a call for innovative solutions of a technological or digital nature that will help to optimize, streamline and automate the processes of verification of contents (fact-checking) in any of the following phases: – Traceability of the origin of the information. Identification of actors, vectors and channels that encourage the viralization of fake news.– Monitoring of media, social networks and messaging

Debunked – How to tell Fact from Fiction

Misleading information can be intentional (think fake news) or unintentional (by not following accepted conventions). In turn, we share the information we encounter on WhatsApp or Facebook, believing it to be true only to realize later that it was wrong. Let’s be honest, it has happened to most of us. Data literacy skills are the