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Category: News

Online Bullying: Bystander Behaviour Online

A report on the event, discussions and SID 2023 Activity is now available:

NewsXchange and the Next News Generation

The NewsXchange conference takes place in Dublin on June 19 and 20 2023. Operated on behalf of Eurovision News by News Agenda, the conference represents an opportunity for everyone with an interest in quality journalism to get together in person, and is sponsored by a range of global news organisations. In addition to a packed

Event: Focus on Media Literacy In The Community

The Ofcom Making Sense of Media team will host an event in Belfast where insights from Ofcom’s work on media literacy will be shared and there will be an opportunity to hear from local experts and connect with members of the MSOM network.

New interactive journalism workshops for schools

NewsBrands Ireland have commenced a new series of free interactive journalism workshops for Transition Year students.  The workshops complement their Press Pass School Journalism and News Literacy programme which has been running for the past 12 years.

Erasmus+ Funding for Media Literacy Projects

Part of a series of articles sign-posting MLI members to possible sources of funding.

Top 3 tips for spotting fake AI-generated images

By Diarmaid Mac Mathúna, Director-Agency at indiepics It’s getting harder and harder to spot fake images that have been generated by artificial intelligence systems. The images that the latest AI systems like Midjourney and DALL·E 2 are creating are very impressive. These photorealistic images are easily created using short, carefully engineered text prompts either directly

Press Pass Student Journalists of the Year 2023 announced

The winners of the NewsBrands Ireland Press Pass student journalism competition were announced on May 9 with prizes awarded in six categories including News Writing, Features, Opinion, Sports Journalism, Photojournalism, and best School Newspaper.

Students examine the role of the media in relation to European democratic values

More than 100 students with ages ranging from 15 to 18 years from 50 different schools in Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain, Slovenia and the Netherlands participated in a research project on media and democracy .