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Keeping People Safe, Informed and Combating Misinformation: Facebook’s Role in the COVID-19 Pandemic

For several weeks now, the world has rightly been consumed with talk of COVID-19. For Facebook, it...

Be Media Smart about COVID-19

COVID-19 dominates a large part of our lives at the moment and we know that we all have a part to...

Battling the misinformation virus

This article is an edited reproduction of a Twitter thread from @marklittlenews, posted on Sunday...

Stop / Think / Check

“We need a vaccine against misinformation" Dr. Mike Ryan, head of WHO's health emergencies...

25th Comenius-EduMedia-Award 2020 German and European Educational Media Award Call for Submissions

The Society for Pedagogic, lnformation and Media (Gesellschaft für Pädagogik, Information und...

Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group calling for participation in their open session at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress in Dublin

In this session, “Deepfakes: Manipulating realities, misinformation, detection, legal and...

Get involved in Safer Internet Day 2020

1. Register for Safer Internet Day 2020 Let us know what you are planning to do to mark Safer...

Media Literacy Ireland Conference 2019

The day started off with a ‘pre-conference’ mini-masterclass on strategic use of social media...

Safer Internet Day 2019 Safer...

Disinformation and Digital Literacy

It’s almost three years since “fake news” became a major talking point and the problem seems...

MLI’s Be Media Smart campaign takes the stage at 2019 GAPMIL conference Philip...

Conference of the Centre for Critical Media Literacy

A vision of media literacy that is inclusive, active and hopeful – but also realistic, informed...