Welcome to the MLI Monthly Update!
Have something you want to share with the membership? Tell us about it by emailing us at info@medialiteracyireland.ie. We are particularly interested in including your resources in the Training and Development section of the MLI website.
This Month in Media Literacy
We are delighted to announce two big pieces of MLI news this month! From today, the 2024 MLI Awards are open for entries! There are five categories to choose from and organisations of all sizes and from all sectors are invited to enter. All the info you need is on the MLI website. The second piece of MLI news is a Save The Date for the MLI Annual conference which will take place in The Foundry in Dublin on 4 December. More information on the programme and registration will follow, but for now, save the date and pre-register to secure your seat.

2024 MLI Awards Launched
They are back! The 2024 MLI Awards are now open for entries. Organisations big and small are invited to apply – from schools, libraries, community groups, to online platforms, broadcasters, commentators and influencers… and everything in between. Entries from across the island of Ireland are welcome – covering projects, resources, training, research or campaigns. With five categories there is something for everyone, so do check it out. Apart from considering entering, we would also like all MLI members to help us promote the MLI Awards by using the MLI Awards banners and badges in Irish and English across social media.
Algowatch project funded by Creative Europe
The Algowatch project has been funded for two years under the Creative Europe programme. A collaboration between Savoir Devenir (France), Maynooth University (Ireland), Association for Communication and Media Culture -DKMK (Croatia) and Iscte-University Institute of Lisbon (Portugal), it aims to educate the general public about the challenges of algorithms and Artificial Intelligence and to recognise mis and disinformation.
Celebrating Digital Empowerment in Waterford
Access I.T. celebrates successful delivery of the SOLAS Reach Programme empowering Waterford residents with digital skills.
Stakeholder consultation on the Digital Europe Programme
A 12-week open stakeholder consultation on the Digital Europe programme is looking for insights into stakeholders’ experience with the programme, their perspectives on how relevant the objectives of the programme are to the digital transformation of companies and the public sector, how the programme responds to current and future technological trends, the perceived coherence with other EU or national/local funding and what they consider to be its expected impact.
EMIF grants €4.2 million to new projects
The European Media and Information Fund has approved funding for 15 new projects as a result of the 2024 EMIF Call for Proposals with a total value of €4.2 million. The successful projects will work across 3 EMIF priority areas: investigations into disinformation, research, and media and information literacy.
Could you be an MLI Speaker or Trainer?
Due to a significant increase in the number of invitations for MLI to participate in conferences, deliver talks and provide training, we are investigating the possibility of creating a panel of MLI speakers and trainers from the MLI membership who could, on occasion, be called upon to represent MLI at events and talks. If this sounds like something that you would be interested in being part of, please complete this short expression of interest form.

Plugged In, Switched Off: Exploring AI with Children and Young People – 15 October
The Barnardos Online Safety Programme annual conference will take place online and live from The Foundry, Dublin.. With support from Google.org this will be a solution-based event providing advice for parents, educators and professionals alike. Registration details coming soon.
Global Media and Information Literacy Week 2024 Conference – 30/31 October
This year’s Global Media and Information Literacy Week Conference will be hosted by UNESCO and the Hashemite Kingdom in Amman, Jordan. Under the theme “The New Digital Frontiers of Information: Media and Information Literacy for Public Interest Information”, the event will bring together stakeholders around the globe to explore paths for strengthening collaboration and innovation to power Media and Information Literacy.
MLI Annual Conference – 4 December
Save the date for this very special all-day, in-person MLI Annual Conference. Hosted by Google in The Foundry, Dublin, keynote speakers include Leo Pekkala from the Finnish National Audiovisual Institute. More details to follow. Pre-registration is now open.
In Case You Missed It

Media & Learning 2024 – 20/21 June
The Media & Learning 2024: Back to the Future? conference endorsed by KU Leuven Learning Lab brought together a vibrant community of educators, researchers, and innovators passionate about leveraging media for enhanced learning experiences. Most of the presentations, keynote session recordings and photographs are now available on the event page.
Enhancing Media Literacy Education in Europe: Insights from the Third TeaMLit Project Report
The TeaMLit project has launched its third report on Media and Information Literacy (MIL) education and training for teachers in Europe. It is the final report, in which the research team examines six European countries: Austria, Cyprus, Finland, Greece, Lithuania, and the Netherlands.
Resource of the Month

Everywhere, All the Time, is the latest digital literacy intervention from Tactical Tech which provides resources and methods to foster critical conversations among teens about the impacts of technology and AI. It includes provocative exhibition posters, engaging activity cards, and a detailed educator’s guidebook.
More information.
Member Spotlight

This month, the member spotlight is focussed on the 2023 MLI award winner for the category of MLI Member Special Contribution Award – Webwise. Log into the Members section to learn more about how Webwise promote the autonomous, effective, and safer use of the internet by young people through a sustained information and awareness strategy targeting parents, teachers, and children themselves with consistent and relevant messages.
Thanks for reading!
If you have a colleague or friend who might enjoy these updates, they can register to become an MLI member or just subscribe to receive the newsletter. For any membership issues, or if you have something to include in next month’s edition of the newsletter please email info@medialiteracyireland.ie
Kind regards,
The MLI Team