The Media & Learning Association (MLA) recently hosted an online conference dedicated to...
The Louth Business Network, a free networking group, in collaboration with the marketing business...
A consortium of seven European organisations, including the European Association for Viewers...
Organised by the Irish Safer Internet Centre, the Safer Internet Day 2024: Tech in our World event...
UCD’s School of Information and Communication Studies (ICS) has launched a new module, called...
Every year the 100 Archive works to capture the zeitgeist of Irish communication design and...
In December 2023, researchers at University of Galway marked one year of a project designed to...
The European Media and Information Fund (EMIF) has opened a fast-track Call for Proposals, under...
The OSCE’s Representative of Freedom of the Media is exploring the link between media freedom...
A new funding opportunity for Media Literacy projects is available via the Creative Europe...
A public consultation on the Draft Online Safety Code for video-sharing platform services has been...
EurAV has launched a series of eight audio/visual programmes aimed at older adults that they...